Drilling holes in glass and mirror

The technology of drilling glass and mirrors presumes two types of work: one-sided drilling and two-sided drilling. The two-sided glass drilling is much safer because it allows making holes without the risk of chipped glass so the glass or mirror is not deteriorated.  The vertical holes drilling is a modern method based on advanced solutions, thanks to which it is possible to promptly, accurately, and precisely drill the holes in objects up to 50 mm thick. We offer you the service of drilling holes in the mirror, glass, and triplex, working with the precision of up to a fraction of millimeter, making it accurately and with agility thanks to the all-embracing experience of our specialists.


We produce holes and hinges using modern equipment by experienced specialists who know exactly how to achieve a perfect result. Our equipment allows you to make holes in float glass, laminated glass or mirrors. As a result, holes of the required diameter and regular shapes are obtained.

Thanks to the automatic line for processing glass parts, we offer the following works at competitive prices:

✔ drilling of holes of different diameters from 4 mm to 100 mm;

✔ cutouts for hinges;

✔ cutouts for fittings;

✔ cutouts for electrical accessories;

✔ cutouts of any type.

Our production employs automatic equipment capable of producing up to 1100 holes of various diameters per day.

There are some requirements for drilling. Thus, the object to drilling holes must be as thick as from 3 to 50 mm, and the hole’s diameter must be from 4 to 100 mm. It is possible to countersink holes for fasteners or tempering to guarantee maximal safety from the occurrence of cracks or chips during further processing. The glass beveling or making glass matte does not interfere with the process if only the technology is observed.

We offer you this service done using the most modern equipment made by highly skilled professionals, who know how to make sure the perfect result. Our equipment allows making holes in mirrors, glasses, and triplex. As a result, you get the needed openings of required diameter and perfectly suitable forms – from 40 mm in diameter (curved inner holes). The allowable glass thickness is from 4 to 19 mm.

The drilling procedure has its peculiarities. Thus, drilling using diamond drills is forbidden without constant cooling, as it will spoil the blank. Machines for work that do not have circulating coolant make the cooling of the tool using water, soda or emulsol.

To avoid unwanted chipped glass, all drills discontinue their work after the minimal feed of the coolant is stopped. Another important nuance is that drilling must be necessarily done from the reverse side.

If the double-sided technology is used to drill, the glass is being drilled from the facial side first, and then the completing drilling is done on the reverse side. It is important to keep to the difference between the drills’ diameters. That is, the best solution would be to entrust such work to professionals, who will make sure the correspondence of the work done to all nuances of requirements.


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35A Slobozhansky avenue, office 12, Dnipro, Ukraine
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Reviews our clients
3 years ago
Працюють швидко та якісно! Робота менеджерів на високому рівні.
Vlad Petryk
Vlad Petryk
4 years ago
Взялися за складне замовлення без вагань. Що приємно, після погодження та обмірів підписується договір, а не як завжди - скиньте на карту привату. Вклалися в строки, установку провели швидко, все це за розумну вартість.
Андрей Док
Андрей Док
5 years ago
Спасибі за встановлену перегородку, і окреме дякую майстрам (рідко можна зустріти монтажників, які роблять не на тяп-ляп), тут звичайно дуже порадували. Ну і ціни приємні, найнижчі у місті. Незабаром буде ще робітниця, наче звернуся ще раз! Дякую.
Michael FTF
Michael FTF
5 years ago
Професіонали. Ціни адекватні. Свій цех із верстатами з обробки скла. Крапки по місту типу "прирізка скла" (на ковдрі) і за цінами вдвічі вище зворушують) Скло в душ кабіну – це добре. Але де товари типу двері в душ кабінку. З фурнітурою не дружать. Або немає фахівців
Лилия Золотарева
Лилия Золотарева
7 years ago
Замовила скло, зробили швидко та якісно, дякую!

We can drill holes of various sizes and shapes, including round, oval, and other stylized shapes to suit your project.

We specialize in drilling holes in glass from 3 mm to 19 mm thick, but we can consider other options if necessary.

We use modern drills and equipment to drill holes in glass and mirrors accurately and safely, ensuring clean and professional results.

The drilling time depends on the number and size of the holes. On average, we can complete the process within 1-2 business days.

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