Glass fences and balustrades

Do you want to buy fences made of glass? A wise decision to zone your space, whilst not piling it up with walls, and not stealing visually anything that should not be stolen.

Also, many people will appreciate the aesthetics of fences made of glass, ordering which from our online catalog is one click away, with the sizes you need. But if you’re here not for aesthetics – then we don’t know what else it can be when you’re buying glass.



Glass fences are made of strong tempered glass, 10 mm thick or laminated glass (6 + 6, 8 + 8). This glass can withstand severe loads and environmental influences.

The maximum recommended dimensions are parts with a size of 1500 mm x 1100 mm.

In order for the glass structure to meet the requirements of safety and strength, our specialists do the processing of glass edges, drill the necessary holes and cutouts for fittings, as well as tempering glass or making triplex glass.

At our production you can order glass fences for balconies, terraces, sports facilities and even ... zoos. One of our most popular projects is glass fences for terraces for street cafes and restaurants.

Other popular designs include glass fences for sports fields, recreation areas in parks and panoramic terraces.

If you are interested in glass fences, leave a request and get competent advice from our managers.


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Reviews our clients
2 years ago
Працюють швидко та якісно! Робота менеджерів на високому рівні.
Vlad Petryk
Vlad Petryk
4 years ago
Взялися за складне замовлення без вагань. Що приємно, після погодження та обмірів підписується договір, а не як завжди - скиньте на карту привату. Вклалися в строки, установку провели швидко, все це за розумну вартість.
Андрей Док
Андрей Док
5 years ago
Спасибі за встановлену перегородку, і окреме дякую майстрам (рідко можна зустріти монтажників, які роблять не на тяп-ляп), тут звичайно дуже порадували. Ну і ціни приємні, найнижчі у місті. Незабаром буде ще робітниця, наче звернуся ще раз! Дякую.
Michael FTF
Michael FTF
5 years ago
Професіонали. Ціни адекватні. Свій цех із верстатами з обробки скла. Крапки по місту типу "прирізка скла" (на ковдрі) і за цінами вдвічі вище зворушують) Скло в душ кабіну – це добре. Але де товари типу двері в душ кабінку. З фурнітурою не дружать. Або немає фахівців
Лилия Золотарева
Лилия Золотарева
7 years ago
Замовила скло, зробили швидко та якісно, дякую!

To select glass fences for a balcony or terrace in accordance with the style of the house, you should take into account its architectural features and choose a design that harmoniously fits into the overall appearance of the building.

Safety and durability of glass fences are achieved by choosing high-quality and durable glass, as well as the right fixings that take into account the operating conditions, such as wind loads and temperature changes.

Installation of glass fences with minimal interference with the design of the room is possible with the help of special fastening systems and frames that do not disturb the overall aesthetic appearance of the space.

To avoid freezing of glass fences during outdoor operation in cold weather, you can consider using heat treatment of glass and thermal insulation materials.

When choosing and installing glass fences, it is important to take into account the individual needs of the client, such as aesthetic preferences, level of privacy, and functionality of the system.

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