Glass partitions for shopping malls

Considering the convenience and visual attractiveness of zoning of shopping malls, the best solution would be glass partitions. They are able to laconically fit in the interiors of shopping malls and boutiques therein.

Glass partitions for shopping malls carry esthetic and working functions: create advertising spot for a shop and comfortable zones for client service, and increase the space without the loss of functional area

Production company "Sfera Glass" offers you to order at a low price glass partitions for shopping malls in the optimal ratio of price and quality.


The design of glass partitions for shopping malls is selected based on the preferences of a client, with the ability of custom make of other interior elements: stairs, floors, tiles, ceilings. It is possible to buy from us high-quality glass and glass panels with a thickness of a glass of 4-19 mm.

A broad assortment of products and a large spectrum of additional services are extra advantages of cooperation with us. Our company guarantees:

  • excellent optical qualities of glass
  • defect-free make
  • high quality of installation of glass constructions
  • durability and reliability
  • stylish execution
  • transparency of cooperation
  • help in selection and installation.

✓ High-quality glass for your project is always in stock;

✓ Full production cycle is cost-effective for the customer;

✓Our specialists have vast experience in implementing projects for the production and installation of glass partitions.

To leave a request, fill out the online form on the website or call us by phone.

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Reviews our clients
3 years ago
Працюють швидко та якісно! Робота менеджерів на високому рівні.
Vlad Petryk
Vlad Petryk
4 years ago
Взялися за складне замовлення без вагань. Що приємно, після погодження та обмірів підписується договір, а не як завжди - скиньте на карту привату. Вклалися в строки, установку провели швидко, все це за розумну вартість.
Андрей Док
Андрей Док
5 years ago
Спасибі за встановлену перегородку, і окреме дякую майстрам (рідко можна зустріти монтажників, які роблять не на тяп-ляп), тут звичайно дуже порадували. Ну і ціни приємні, найнижчі у місті. Незабаром буде ще робітниця, наче звернуся ще раз! Дякую.
Michael FTF
Michael FTF
5 years ago
Професіонали. Ціни адекватні. Свій цех із верстатами з обробки скла. Крапки по місту типу "прирізка скла" (на ковдрі) і за цінами вдвічі вище зворушують) Скло в душ кабіну – це добре. Але де товари типу двері в душ кабінку. З фурнітурою не дружать. Або немає фахівців
Лилия Золотарева
Лилия Золотарева
7 years ago
Замовила скло, зробили швидко та якісно, дякую!

Glass partitions for shopping malls


Glass shop fronts offer many advantages over other materials. Firstly, they create a sense of space and light penetration in the room, which contributes to increased comfort for customers and employees. Secondly, glass is very easy to clean, making it ideal for use in environments where safety and hygiene are important. Finally, glass partitions create a stylish and modern look that can increase the appeal of your business.

There are various types of glass shop partitions available on the market that can meet the different needs and requirements of your business. Some of them include single-walled glass partitions, double-walled glass partitions. Each type has its own features and benefits that can meet your needs.

Yes, you can install additional safety features. Some of these include handles or buttons to open doors, alarm systems that are triggered in the event of glass breakage, or safety film that holds the glass together in the event of damage. These elements provide an extra layer of security for staff and customers and can be installed according to your request and requirements.

High-quality materials are used for the installation of glass shop partitions, such as stainless steel or aluminum for the frame and glass of appropriate thickness and strength. This ensures not only an aesthetic appearance, but also durability of the structure. In addition, special fasteners and transparent silicone seals can be used for fastening for maximum safety and reliability.

To order glass shop partitions, please contact our company via the form on the website or by phone. Our managers will contact you to discuss your project, determine your requirements and provide advice. After agreeing on all the details, we will manufacture and install the partitions in your premises, taking into account all your wishes.

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