Panels from mirror tiles

Wall panel from mirror tiles will double the space of any room with ease and grace. The most popular and optimal for visual perception is a mirror tile with a bevel  30 × 30 cm or 40 × 40 cm.

Mirror panels can also consist of rectangles, triangles or rhombuses. The “golden rule” in designing a mirror panel says that the larger its size, the larger the details from the mirror should be used.

Despite the fact that installing a mirror panel on a wall requires an almost perfectly flat surface, laying a mirror panel takes much less time than, for example, tiles, since it simply sits on a special glue, joint to joint.


Production company "Sfera Glass" offers to order mirror tiles with bevel at a favorable price from us for a number of the following reasons:

✔ We always have a high-quality mirror in stock, including in different color shades;

✔Modern equipment, on which even the most complex elements will be executed perfectly accurately;

✔A designer will help you create a unique and sophisticated design of a mirror panel.

✔ Bevelled mirror tiles are made of 4 to 5 mm thick mirror. As the types of processing, polishing and grinding of the edge, as well as bevelling  are used. We offer the production of bevel with a width of 5 to 40 mm.

If you are interested in making a custom-made mirror panel, leave a request on our website and get a free quote.We welcome for cooperation designers, architects, construction companies, companies that are engaged in the installation of glass products.

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Reviews our clients
3 years ago
Працюють швидко та якісно! Робота менеджерів на високому рівні.
Vlad Petryk
Vlad Petryk
4 years ago
Взялися за складне замовлення без вагань. Що приємно, після погодження та обмірів підписується договір, а не як завжди - скиньте на карту привату. Вклалися в строки, установку провели швидко, все це за розумну вартість.
Андрей Док
Андрей Док
5 years ago
Спасибі за встановлену перегородку, і окреме дякую майстрам (рідко можна зустріти монтажників, які роблять не на тяп-ляп), тут звичайно дуже порадували. Ну і ціни приємні, найнижчі у місті. Незабаром буде ще робітниця, наче звернуся ще раз! Дякую.
Michael FTF
Michael FTF
5 years ago
Професіонали. Ціни адекватні. Свій цех із верстатами з обробки скла. Крапки по місту типу "прирізка скла" (на ковдрі) і за цінами вдвічі вище зворушують) Скло в душ кабіну – це добре. Але де товари типу двері в душ кабінку. З фурнітурою не дружать. Або немає фахівців
Лилия Золотарева
Лилия Золотарева
7 years ago
Замовила скло, зробили швидко та якісно, дякую!

Panels from mirror tiles


Our company produces a variety of mirror panels, including options with engraving, chamfered edges, colored inserts and other decorative elements.

Mirror panel prices from Sphere Glass can vary significantly depending on several factors, such as size, type of finish, design, installation and location of your home or office. To calculate the cost of various glass structures, use a calculator, order a miscalculation on the website or call us at 067-230-05-12. We can provide you with recommendations based on the specific characteristics of your premises.  Our team is ready to fulfill your order for the production and installation of mirror panels

We understand the importance of an individualized approach to design, so we offer a variety of customization options, including choosing the shape, size, color, and patterns of mirrors. We can also take into account specific customer requirements and ideas.

Custom mirror panels have several advantages. First, you can get a unique design that matches your preferences and interior. Secondly, you can choose the size that is perfect for your space. Also, you are guaranteed high quality materials and workmanship. And finally, you get an individual approach and the opportunity to discuss all the details with the craftsmen.

As for the cost of a mirror panel, it depends on the size, complexity of the design, and the materials used. It is important to note that the price can be individually calculated depending on your choice of materials and size. Therefore, to get the exact price, we recommend that you contact our managers and discuss all the details of your order.

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