Full Glass Partitions

Frameless glass walls are modern and stylish constructs, necessary for zoning the premises without loss of functional space. They are installed in restaurants, hotels, beauty salons, malls, offices, and homes to preserve as much as possible free space and to enlarge the premises visually.

You can order stylish frameless glass walls with hinged or sliding entrance, with sturdily attached construction to the floor and ceiling. Frameless glass walls consist of several segments, connected to one another with fittings. They can be transparent, frosted, mirror, or decorated.

“Sfera Glass” company offers you to buy any type of translucent constructs for low cost, with the ideal combination of price and quality.



Frameless glass walls are produced to order in the fastest possible manner, at individual sizes. It’s possible to order from us foldable walls, coupe walls, picking their design to your taste and in the thickness range of 8-12 mm.

We guarantee:

  • high quality of the product
  • wide selection of constructs
  • high coefficient of translucence
  • defect-free make
  • safety of installation
  • thoroughly processed edges.


Additional services:

  • decoration and sandblasting
  • additional fittings and accessories
  • installation
  • delivery.

✓ High-quality glass for your project is always in stock;

✓ Full production cycle is cost-effective for the customer;

✓Our specialists have vast experience in implementing projects for the production and installation of glass partitions.

To leave a request, fill out the online form on the website or call us by phone.

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Reviews our clients
3 years ago
Працюють швидко та якісно! Робота менеджерів на високому рівні.
Vlad Petryk
Vlad Petryk
4 years ago
Взялися за складне замовлення без вагань. Що приємно, після погодження та обмірів підписується договір, а не як завжди - скиньте на карту привату. Вклалися в строки, установку провели швидко, все це за розумну вартість.
Андрей Док
Андрей Док
5 years ago
Спасибі за встановлену перегородку, і окреме дякую майстрам (рідко можна зустріти монтажників, які роблять не на тяп-ляп), тут звичайно дуже порадували. Ну і ціни приємні, найнижчі у місті. Незабаром буде ще робітниця, наче звернуся ще раз! Дякую.
Michael FTF
Michael FTF
5 years ago
Професіонали. Ціни адекватні. Свій цех із верстатами з обробки скла. Крапки по місту типу "прирізка скла" (на ковдрі) і за цінами вдвічі вище зворушують) Скло в душ кабіну – це добре. Але де товари типу двері в душ кабінку. З фурнітурою не дружать. Або немає фахівців
Лилия Золотарева
Лилия Золотарева
7 years ago
Замовила скло, зробили швидко та якісно, дякую!

Frameless glass partitions


All-glass partitions made of glass have a number of advantages, including high strength and transparency. They allow natural light to enter the room freely, creating an open and spacious atmosphere. In addition, they are easy to install and maintain and have excellent sound insulation, which contributes to a comfortable working or living space.

All-glass partitions can be used in many different types of spaces, including office buildings, shopping centers, restaurants, as well as residential apartments and houses. They are ideal for creating separate workrooms, conference rooms, meeting rooms or hallways, while maintaining the spaciousness and natural light of the room.

Bespoke all-glass partitions offer a wide range of design options, including a choice of glass type, finishes and hardware. Customers can choose between clear, frosted or tinted glass, and determine the degree of privacy with additional elements such as curtains or roller blinds. In addition, partitions can be decorated with engraving or sandblasting to add individual style and corporate branding.

Installation requires careful planning and professional work. It is necessary to take into account not only the size and shape of the room, but also to ensure that the structure is safely attached to the floor and ceiling. To ensure durability and safety, it is recommended to engage experienced professionals who follow modern safety and quality standards for installation.

To select the optimal thickness, several factors must be considered, including the size of the partition, the desired level of safety, and aesthetic preferences. It is recommended to consult with building and design professionals to find the right option.

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